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Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional SMA Bahasa Inggris 2019 dan Pembahasannya

UN 2019 SMA Latihan Soal dan Pembahasan Bahasa_Inggris - header Artikel berikut ini menyajikan beberapa soal latihan untuk menghadapi ujian nasional SMA Bahasa Inggris 2019. Semoga bermanfaat. --- Sebenarnya mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris itu nggak susah kok Squad. Terlebih di zaman modern seperti saat ini, kamu dituntut untuk paham bahasa internasional tersebut. Setelah lulus SMA nanti, kalau pun kamu terjun di dunia pekerjaan, kemampuan berbahasa Inggris pun sangat diperlukan. Nah, untuk membantu persiapan kamu menghadapi ujian nasional 2019 nanti, yuk kita pelajari bareng latihan soal berikut. separator un binggris sma 1) Topik : Expression Sub Topik : Topic of the Dialog Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasikan topik dialog secara tepat   Rina : What are you thinking about? Dino : I’m thinking about my plan after graduating from Senior High School. Rina : Can you tell me your plan? Dino : My parents asked me to study in Turkey since its higher education there is cheaper than here. But, it’s kind of hard for me to live far away from my family. What about yours? Rina : I think it’s a good idea. Living far away from your parents will teach you how to be an independent man. I’ll be studying at IIUM majoring in international relations. I want to be a diplomat. Dino : That sounds great. It means that you’re going to live far away from your parents as well? Rina : Yes. I want to be independent. Of course, I’ll be missing them, but I think it’s going to be a great challenge for me.   What is the main topic of the conversation above? A. Studying in Turkey is cheaper B. Asking suggesting about study C. Discussing about plan after graduation D. Living far away from parents is difficult E. Majoring in politics is great Jawaban: C Pembahasan: Yang dibahas kedua orang pada dialog di atas adalah mengenai rencana setelah kelulusan mereka, secara spesifik rencana studi di perguruan tinggi, maka jawaban C yang tepat. separator un binggris sma 2) Topik : Expression Sub Topik : Topic of the Dialog Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasikan topik dialog secara tepat   Aziz : Did you go to the National Library yesterday? Azka : Yes, I did. How did you know? Aziz : Actually, I also went to the National Library. But, when you arrived, I was about to leave since I went there with my sister and she asked me to go home soon. Azka : I see. Do you go there a lot? Aziz : 4Not really. I just accompanied my sister because she is doing her thesis now. Do you often go the National Library? Azka : Yes. I always go there whenever I have free time. I love reading books. It’s also cosy. Aziz : Cool. That’s why you’re a very smart student. You read a lot. Azka : Well, reading books always opens mind. Anyways, how do you spend your free time? Aziz : I play football with my friends. I also love cooking in my free time. Azka : You can cook? What food can you cook? Aziz : Yes, I can. Normally, I cook western food like pizza and spaghetti. Azka : You should give me your cooking. Aziz : Sure. Please come to my house tomorrow. I’ll cook for you. Azka : I wish I could. I need to go to Bogor tomorrow. Maybe, next time.   What does the man imply by saying “not really”? A. He often goes to the National Library. B. He doesn’t like the National Library. C. He has never been to the National Library. D. He loves going to the National Library. E. He seldom goes to the National Library. Jawaban: E Pembahasan: Maksud kata tersebut adalah ia tidak sering atau jarang ke perpustakaan nasional, petunjuknya adalah dialog sebelumnya yaitu “Do you go there a lot?”, maka jawaban E yang tepat. separator un binggris sma 3) Topik : Short Functional Text Sub Topik : Topic of Passage Indikator : Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi topik pada teks pengumuman un soal no 3
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