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Latihan Soal Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris SMP dan Pembahasannya

latihan soal UN bahasa inggris SMP Squad, Ujian Nasional 2019 tinggal beberapa minggu lagi akan berlangsung. Walaupun liburan baru saja berakhir, kamu harus segera siap untuk menyiapkan diri menghadapi UN. So, ayo pelajari latihan soal UN bahasa Inggris SMP beserta pembahasannya berikut ini.  soal un-1 1. Topik : Announcement Questions 1-2 are based on the following text. To All English Literature Class Students (1) Exam will be held on Wednesday, October 23rd 2014, at 10 a.m. in room 143. Please read “A Clean and Well-Lighted Place” by E. Hemingway and “Queenie” by Alice Munro as they will be the subject materials. Copies of both are available in my locker, feel free to grab them! (5) It will be an open book exam. You can bring books as many as you can, but no internet and cell phones! Cheaters will be expelled! Professor Smith To whom the announcement is made?
  1. Students of English Literature Class
  2. Professor Smith
  3. E. Hemingway and Alice Munro
  4. The readers
Jawaban : A Pembahasan: Pengumuman di atas ditujukan kepada seluruh siswa di kelas Sastra Inggris. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi a. Students of English Literature Class. soal un-1 2. Topik : Announcement   Which statement is correct based on the text?
  1. Students can’t open their books in the exam.
  2. Using internet from the cell phones is allowed.
  3. Prof. Smith put copies of subject materials inside her locker.
  4. The exam will be held at 8 a.m.
Jawaban : C Pembahasan : Mengacu pada pernyataan ‘Copies of both are available in my locker, feel free to grab them!’ dapat disimpulkan bahwa salinan materi pelajaran disimpan di loker milik Prof. Smith. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi c. Prof. Smith put copies of subject materials inside her locker. soal un-1 3. Topik : Notice   Questions for number 3 to 5! latihan soal UN bahasa inggris SMP The notice above means….
  1. wash hand before work
  2. wash hand before eat
  3. use the shop for washing hand
  4. wash hand in the bathroom
Jawaban : A Pembahasan : Notice di atas memiliki arti bahwa “pekerja harus mencuci tangan sebelum kembali bekerja”. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A karena mengandung makna pada notice di atas yaitu “cuci tangan sebelum bekerja”. Sedangkan pilihan jawaban lain tidak tepat karena tidak sesuai dengan notice di atas. soal un-1 4. Topik : Notice The statement based on the text is…
  1. The notice is for parents.
  2. The notice is for students.
  3. The notice is for employees.
  4. The notice is for the guest.
Jawaban : C Pembahasan : Pernyataan yang berhubungan dengan notice di atas adalah C karena notice tersebut berlaku untuk karyawan yang ada disebuah kantor atau perusahaan tempat notice tersebut tertulis. Untuk jawaban tersebut jelas dituliskan di dalam notice. soal un-1 5. Topik : Notice   Where you can find the notice?
  1. In the market
  2. In the class
  3. In the company
  4. In the street
Jawaban : C Pembahasan : Pertanyaan di atas adalah dimana biasanya notice tersebut ditemukan. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C karena notice tersebut pada umumnya terdapat di perusahaan. Sedangkan pilihan jawaban yang lainnya tidak tepat karena tidak sesuai. “Employees” bermakna karyawan. Karyawan biasanya berada di perusahaan, bukan di kelas ataupun pasar. soal un-1 6. Topik : Descriptive Questions 6—7 are based on the text below. (1) Lemon basil is a hybrid between basil (Ocimum basilicum) and American basil (Ocimum americanum). The herb is grown primarily in northeastern Africa and southern Asiaand is used in cooking. It is popular in Arabic, Indonesia, Philippines, Lao, Malay, Persian, and Thai cuisine. (5) Lemon basil stems can grow to 20–40 cm (8–20 in) tall. It has white flowers in late summer to early fall. The leaves are similar to basil leaves, but tend to be narrower ... slightly serrated edges. Seeds form on the plant after flowering and dry on the plant. It has fragrant lemon scent. (Taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemon_basil with editing) What is the appropriate title for the text?
  1. Lemon Basil
  2. Hybrid of Basils
  3. Herb of Asian Cuisine
  4. Scent of Lemon Basil
Jawaban : A Pembahasan : Teks di atas adalah teks deskriptif yang isinya berupa penggambaran dari Lemon Basil yang sifatnya spesifik. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi a. Lemon Basil. soal un-1 7. Topik : Descriptive “The leaves are similar to basil leaves, but tend to be narrower ... slightly serrated edges.” What is the correct word to fill the blank?
  1. With
  2. To
  3. By
  4. Of
Jawaban : A Pembahasan : Preposisi yang tepat untuk melengkapi frasa yang berisi deskripsi atau karakteristik adalah opsi a. with. soal un-1 8. Topik : Recount   Please read the text below for number 8 to 10! My First Time In Yogyakarta My family and I went to my grandmother’s house in Yogyakarta last month. It was my first trip to this city. We went there two days after my sister’s gradution ceremony in Semarang. We arrived at Yogyakarta at night. We spent a week staying in my grandmother’s house which is 5 minutes away by foot to Malioboro street. In the first morning, we were still too tired after a long trip from Semarang to Yogyakarta. So, we decided to stay at home to recharge our energy. I walk around the neighborhood with my sister just to experience how it is like to be in Yogyakarta. There were too many houses, I think, which made the space between a house and the other was so small, even the road was also small that only bicycle and motorcycle can go through. On the second day, all of us went to Malioboro street. We saw so many merchant with various of products which they claim to be a traditional product of Yogyakarta. I bought some wooden figurines and T-shirt with the word “Yogyakarta” printed on it, while my sister bought some leather handbags. My mom and dad were busy choosing some merchandises to be brought home when we go back. On the third day, we went to Taman Sari and Keraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat to see some historical buildings in Yogyakarta. We took a lot of pictures there. We also took some pictures of the building so we can check it again at home. We found some places providing Yogya traditional food around the building and we jumped in right away. We spent the rest of our week in Yogyakarta by visiting some Shopping Malls such as Jogja City Mall, Malioboro Mall, Hartono Mall and Ambarrukmo Plaza. We realized that Yogyakarta turned out to be very warm during the day, that was the reason why we decided to spend more time in air conditioned building like these. Source: http://www.bigbanktheories.com Where does the family go in the second day?
  1. Stay home
  2. Malioboro street
  3. Jogja City Mall
  4. Hartono Mall
Jawaban : B Pembahasan : Pertanyaan di atas menanyakan kemana keluarga tersebut pergi pada hari kedua. Maka jawabannya terdapat pada paragraph ketiga kalimat pertama yang sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban B. sedangkan pilihan jawaban lain tidak sesuai karena merupakan tempat yang dikunjungi pada hari berikutnya.   soal un-1 9. Topik : Recount The true statement based on the text is?
  1. The writer went to her grandmother’s house the days after her sister’s gradution.
  2. The writer just stays home in the first day in Jogja.
  3. The writer’s sister was busy choosing some merchandise.
  4. The writer has two sisters.
Jawaban : B Pembahasan : Pertanyaan pada soal adalah mana pilihan jawaban yang sesuai dengan teks yang ada. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B yaitu penulis hanya di rumah ketika hari pertama di Jogja. Jawaban ini terdapat pada kalimat pertama paragraf kedua pada teks di atas. Jawaban A seharusnya ‘two days’, C seharusnya ‘the writer’s mom and dad’, dan D salah karena ia hanya punya seorang saudari kandung. soal un-1 10. Topik : Recount “… which is 5 minutes away by foot to Malioboro street. (paragraph 1). The underlined word means?
  1. Walking to Malioboro street
  2. Riding bicycle takes 5 minutes to Malioboro street
  3. You need 1 minute by bus
  4. Run to Malioboro street
Jawaban : A Pembahasan : Pertanyaan di atas adalah makna kata yang bergaris bawah. Arti kata yang bergaris bawah adalah “5 menit dengan berjalan kaki”. Jadi, kata “by foot” bermakna jalan kaki, bukan dengan kaki. Maka pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah A. soal un-1 11. Topik : Narrative   Questions 11—14 are based on the following text. (1) A hen was so jealous at her friend, a goose, who could lay golden eggs. The farmer was very caring with his goose and he always feed the goose the best corn and wheat, as opposed to other livestock which were provided only with the usual fodder. (5) “The goose is so lucky. She lays golden eggs so she gets more affection from our master,” said the hen. (7) One day, the farmer came into the barn and said greedily, “I wonder if there are many golden eggs inside the goose." Then, he captured the goose, took her to his home, and butchered her. The hen, knowing the fate of the poor goose, said, “I am so lucky! If only I had laid golden eggs, I would have been dead instead of the goose!” What is the appropriate title for the text?
  1. The Goose
  2. The Jealous Hen
  3. The Greedy Farmer
  4. The Pursuit of Golden Eggs
Jawaban : B Pembahasan : Cerita di atas berkisah tentang kecemburuan sang ayam betina pada angsa yang dapat bertelur emas, sehingga ia selalu berkhayal untuk memiliki kemampuan seperti angsa, namun kecemburuannya seketika hilang ketika mengetahui bahwa apa yang ia cemburui tersebut justru membahayakan nyawa. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B. The Jealous Hen. soal un-1 12. Topik : Narrative What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
  1. The hen was grateful because of her luck
  2. The goose laid more eggs
  3. The farmer butchered the hen
  4. The hen was jealous with the goose
Jawaban: A Pembahasan : Paragraf 3 menceritakan nasib angsa yang disembelih oleh si petani. Mengacu pada kalimat ‘I am so lucky! If only I had laid golden eggs, I would have been dead instead of the goose!’, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ayam betina sangat bersyukur dengan nasib baiknya. Maka jawaban yang sesuai adalah opsi a. The hen was grateful because of her luck. soal un-1 13. Topik : Narrative   Which of the following statement is NOT mentioned in the text?
  1. The goose was dead in the end.
  2. The farmer always feed the goose the best food.
  3. The goose was the farmer’s favorite.
  4. The hen never felt unlucky.
Jawaban : D Pembahasan : Pernyataan D salah karena pada cerita di atas si ayam betina merasa beruntung karena tidak disembelih oleh si petani, sebagaimana yang tercantum di paragraf terakhir. soal un-1 14. Topik : Narrative   “Then, he captured the goose, took her to his home, and butchered her.” What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
  1. Intimidated
  2. Fed
  3. Cared
  4. Slaughtered
Jawaban : D Pembahasan : Kata butchered memiliki makna ‘menyembelih’. Maka kata yang memiliki makna serupa adalah opsi d. slaughtered. Sementara itu, kata intimidated  bermakna ‘mengintimidasi’, kata fed bermakna ‘memberi makan’ dan kata cared bermakna ‘mempedulikan’. soal un-1 15. Topik : Advertisement Questions 15—16 are based on the text below. latihan soal UN bahasa inggris SMP What is advertised from the text above?
  1. Tea
  2. Beverages
  3. Perfume
  4. Drinks
Jawaban : C Pembahasan : Berdasarkan gambar di atas, benda yang dipromosikan adalah produk parfum. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi c. perfume. soal un-1 16. Topik : Advertisement “The Most Treasured Name in Perfume.” What is the meaning of the underlined phrase?
  1. Most valuable
  2. Most expensive
  3. Most helpful
  4. Most desired
Jawaban : A Pembahasan : Frasa ‘Most Treasured Name’ memiliki makna ‘paling dihargai’. Maka frasa yang memiliki makna serupa adalah opsi a. Most Valuable. soal un-1 17. Topik : Procedure Questions 17—19 are based on the text below. latihan soal UN bahasa inggris SMP How should someone take the medicine?
  1. Relief the pain and inflammation.
  2. Drink the capsule after eating.
  3. Take 1—2 capsules daily.
  4. Consult a physician after taking the product.
Jawaban : C Pembahasan : Mengacu pada petunjuk penggunaan pada bagian Directions, maka obat tersebut dapat dikonsumsi sebanyak 1 – 2 kapsul perhari. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi c. Take 1—2 capsules daily. soal un-1 18. Topik : Procedure   Which is the false statement about the medicine from the text?
  1. It contains Foeniculum Vulgare.
  2. Its ingredient is declared official from HPUS.
  3. It can empower pain and inflammation.
  4. It has active and inactive ingredients.
Jawaban : C Pembahasan : Pernyataan yang salah berdasarkan label di atas adalah opsi c. It can empower pain and inflammation karena obat ini justru digunakan untuk mengurangi rasa sakit dan peradangan bukan menambah sakit dan peradangan. soal un-1 19. Topik : Procedure Who are the people who are not allowed to take the medicine?
  1. Pregnant women
  2. Doctors
  3. Physicians
  4. Adults
Jawaban : A Pembahasan : Mengacu pada kalimat ‘do not use if you are pregnant or nursing’ maka orang-orang yang dilarang mengonsumsi obat ini adalah opsi a. pregnant women. soal un-1 20. Topik :  Sentence Order  
  1. Its story is about a prison break and revenge.
  2. I want to borrow it soon after Charlie finish reading it.
  3. Charlie got a new book.
  4. He wants Charlie to read more and play less.
  5. It is called The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas.
  6. His father bought it in XYZ bookstore.
Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?
  1. 3-5-1-6-4-2
  2. 3-5-2-6-4-1
  3. 3-6-2-4-1-3
  4. 3-6-5-1-4-2
Jawaban : A Pembahasan : Susunan kalimat yang sesuai untuk menjadi kalimat yang padu adalah opsi A yang membentuk paragraf: Charlie got a new book. It is called The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. Its story is about a prison break and revenge. His father bought it in XYZ bookstore. He wants Charlie to read more and play less. I want to borrow it soon after Charlie finish reading it. Paragraf dibuka dengan kalimat yang menjelaskan tentang ide umum tentang sebuah buku baru yang didapatkan Charlie dan diikuti dengan penjelasan spesifik tentang buku tersebut, yakni judul buku dan isi ceritanya. Paragraf ditutup dengan keinginan si penulis untuk meminjam buku setelah Charlie selesai membacanya. soal un-1 Yuk, rasakan #BelajarJadiMudah dan menyenangkan dengan menonton video beranimasi di ruangbelajar. Ada juga latihan soal dan rangkuman infografisnya ya, Squad. Dijamin kamu bisa lebih cepat memahami konsep materinya! ruangbelajar hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2828691, '62700d92-1aae-4202-a1e5-0542d3acc323', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});
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