Latihan dan Pembahasan Soal HOTS SBMPTN: Bahasa Inggris & Bahasa Indonesia
Squad, mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia terkadang tidak terlalu dipersiapkan dengan baik menjelang SBMPTN. Padahal, kedua mata pelajaran ini sering kali mengecoh kita, lho. Jangan sampai hal ini terjadi padamu ya. So, persiapkan dirimu dengan latihan dan pembahasan soal SBMPTN HOTS bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia berikut. MODEL 1: READING COMPREHENSION Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a rare disease of unknown cause that results in the progressive narrowing of the blood vessels of the lungs, causing high blood pressure in these blood vessels and eventually leading to heart failure. It is more common in women between the ages of 21 and 40; however, it can affect anyone at any age. Initial symptoms of PPH may be very minor, and diagnosis may be delayed for several years until symptoms worsen. Typical symptoms may include shortness of breath following exertion, excessive fatigue, dizziness, fainting, weakness, ankle swelling, bluish lips and skin, as well as chest pain. It is difficult to detect PPH in medical examination. No one knows what causes PPH; however, research into the cause suggests a number of factors that may be responsible for the disease. Possible causes include genetic or familial predisposition, immune system disease, or drugs or other chemical exposures. Primary pulmonary hypertension is treated with a number of drugs. None of the drugs that can cure or halt the progression of this disease has been found yet, but they may relieve symptoms. Some patients take vasodilators, which help to dilate the blood vessels in the lungs, reducing the blood pressure in them. In addition, anticoagulants may be used to decrease the tendency of the blood to clot in the lungs. Doctors can choose from a variety of drugs that help lower blood pressure in the lungs and improve heart performance in many patients and medication that may take a long period of time. Patients with PPH respond differently to the different medications that relax blood vessels and that no one drug is consistently effective in all patients. Most doctors and patients agree that it is very important for both patients and families to be as informed as possible. This lets everyone understand the illness and apply the information to what is happening. In addition to family and close friends, support groups can help PPH patients and give some valuable experience sharing among sufferers. 1. Based on the information in the text, primary pulmonary hypertensionâ¦.
- is a rare disease that cannot be cured
- implies malfunctioning of cardiovascular
- will contribute to death if left untreated
- optimally needs medical treatments
- requires long-term alternative therapies
- why hadnât he attended
- when had he attended
- hadnât he attended
- that he attended
- how often he had attended
- upon
- toward
- throughout
- into
- onto
- 1 dan 2
- 1 dan 3
- 2 dan 3
- 2 dan 4
- 3 dan 4
- Ani, Budi, maaf ya, aku tidak bisa membawa contoh resensi. Kemarin aku harus mengantar mama ke rumah saudara, aku gabung saja ya ke dalam diskusi.
- Hei, Eli maaf ya, aku belum bisa mengembalikan bukumu. Belum selesai kubaca. Sehari lagi ya. Kan besok kita akan sama-sama menyusun resensi. Jadi, aku coba meringkas isinya. Bagianku kan?
- Aduh Cici, aku benar-benar sial deh. Padahal aku hanya menolong Dedi, habis dia tanya sih. Tapi ya ... risiko memberi tahu atau bertanya sama saja akibatnya. Dianggap melanggar tes.
- Fahmi, ingat kan dulu aku janji ke rumahmu? Tapi sampai sekarang belum kesampaian. Ada saja kegiatan. Setiap hari kita kan pulang sama-sama pukul 17.30, hampir maghrib. Mudah-mudahan yang besok Sabtu aku jadi ke rumahmu, kan ada tugas praktik berbalas pantun.
- Selamat siang Bu! Maaf Bu! Kemarin saya tidak bisa hadir mengikuti ulangan karena mengalami diare. Jadi, saya terpaksa memberi kabar melalui telepon karena tidak ada yang dapat memberi informasi ke sekolah. Saya mohon Ibu dapat memberi saya kesempatan untuk melakukan ulangan susulan.
- ketidaklengkapan unsur kalimat berupa subjek.
- ketidaktepatan penempatan unsur kalimat predikat.
- ketidaktepatan penempatan unsur kalimat subjek.
- penggunaan unsur kalimat secara berlebihan.
- ketidaklengkapan unsur kalimat berupa keterangan
- Penggunakan tanda koma (,) tidak tepat.
- Akhiran -nya merujuk pada makna memiliki.
- Penulisan terima kasih seharusnya digabung.
- Penggunaan kata ganti -nya tidak tepat, seharusnya menggunakan kata sapaan.
- Kata mengucapkan seharusnya diganti âhaturkanâ.
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