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Belajar Discussion Text Beserta Contohnya | Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12

Contoh Discussion Text dalam Bahasa Inggris Squad, siapa yang suka berdiskusi? Berdiskusi memang banyak manfaatnya ya, Squad! Selain bisa melatih kemampuan berbicara, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan teman dan pengetahuan baru, bahkan bisa bertukar pikiran. Tahukah kamu, dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada jenis teks yang disebut dengan Discussion Text, lho! Wah, seperti apa ya Discussion text itu? Yuk, kita simak contoh Discussion Text beserta penjelasannya.  

Definisi Discussion Text

Squad, yang dimaksud dengan Discussion Text adalah teks argumentatif yang mengandung pandangan pro dan kontra secara objektif. Kesimpulan yang terdapat di Discussion Text umumnya bersifat netral.   

Tujuan dan Jenis Discussion Text

Squad, tujuan komunikatif Discussion Text adalah untuk memberikan sudut pandang baru terkait sebuah isu kepada pembaca. Sudut pandang baru yang dimaksud pada Discussion Text bisa berasal dari banyak sumber dan tidak hanya berasal dari satu sisi. Discussion Text dapat berupa materi seminar dan wacana terkait isu kontroversial.  Baca juga: Pengertian Procedure Text, Contoh, dan Aspeknya  

Struktur Discussion Text

Squad, penasaran nggak sih, dengan struktur Discussion Text? Nah supaya kamu nggak penasaran lagi dan bisa ikut membuat Discussion Text, yuk simak infonya di bawah ini! Structure discussion text  

Contoh Discussion Text

Squad, setelah menyimak penjelasan mengenai Discussion Text, yuk kita simak salah satu contohnya. Contoh yang ditampilkan di sini adalah Discussion Text mengenai video games. Hayo, siapa yang suka main video games? Yuk, kita simak sekarang!   Video Games Nowadays, the video games industry is developing rapidly. It becomes a multi-billion dollar industry. Video games have become an important part not only in the children’ life, but also in the adults’ life. Nevertheless, there is an argument whether video games bring good or bad influences on children. People who have a pro argument claim that video games give a lot of benefits, playing video games is a good way to kill children’s boredom. It can refresh the children’s mind after a tiring school day. Moreover, they also argue that video games can trigger children to be more creative because the games provide challenging ways to win. In other words, they believe that the video games can actually sharpen a human’s brain. Conversely, some people believe that video games make children lazy. They argue that playing video games is addictive. As a consequence, most of the children prefer playing video games to studying. These children find it hard to concentrate on their study because they always think about how to spend more time playing video games. In fact, there are also some children who skip their extracurricular lessons, just because they want to play video games. In addition, most of the video games often expose too much violence. Two years ago in the USA, for example, a student shot his teacher and some of his friends. Newspapers said that the boy was deeply influenced by the actions in the video games he used to play with. It is obvious that video games have more disadvantages than advantages. Therefore, parents should be very careful in selecting the appropriate games for their children.  --- quad, menarik ya mempelajari tentang Discussion Text! Semoga dengan mempelajari ini, kemampuan menulis teks diskusi dan ilmiahmu bisa bertambah, ya. Kalau kamu mau mempelajari mengenai Discussion Text lebih jauh lagi, yuk belajar bersama ruangbelajar! Kamu bisa belajar dengan konsep yang seru banget, yaitu menyelesaikan misi belajar. Penasaran nggak, Squad? Yuk, download aplikasinya sekarang di sini! Sampai ketemu di ruangbelajar, ya. New Call-to-action hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(2828691, '1eaeb7cf-6e40-4247-9ae0-312c2019d986', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});
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